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(1 edit)

This was a good entry and challenging, but unfortunately had to be disqualified from the jam for overuse of assets (ice gremlins and gargoyles, I didn't check further to see if there were more).  Looking forward to more quests, I hope you keep creating!

(2 edits)

I had a feeling you would DQ it. And yes, it does use more than the box comes with in Grems, Gargs, Yetis, and Bears, but each group or instance is isolated enough that playing it, you would not run out. AND NO, I am not saying or asking you to change your mind! I know you like to display the quest for your reviews (and seeing that in your videos is always delightful), and that is impossible to do unless you were making the big bucks and could afford TWO Frozen Horror quest packs. (But such a billionaire can't exist! ). It is a very linear quest, so the party splitting up and spreading out to illicit too many assets on the table is very difficult. And players rarely leave a room with monsters alive. But a wizard with Pass Through Rock, or an Elf with some very fast shoes will always find a way! But thank you for looking at it. I really do enjoy your content and wish the best for this years winner! 

Thanks Ash!